For example, a 1.5 V battery should display a number such as 1.47 V or 1.52 V. Touch the tip of the black (negative) probe to the other end of the battery. Touch the tip of the red (positive) probe to the positive (+) side of a battery. Step 3: Measure the voltage of a battery.
For example, the multimeter can be adjusted to measure Ohms. Step 2: Explore the different multimeter measurements. What action must be taken to turn the meter on? The black probe should go in the COM jack and the red probe should go in the + (plus) jack. Part 1: Multimeter Step 1: Set up the multimeter. Because it is possible to check high voltages, take extra care to avoid electrical shock. Be careful not to accidentally nick or cut the red or black wires or leads, called probes.
Note: The multimeter is a sensitive piece of electronic test equipment.
In this lab, you will learn how to use and handle a multimeter and a power supply tester. Lab – Using a Multimeter and a Power Supply Tester Introduction